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අද අපි ඔයාලට හදුන්වාදෙන්නේ වෙනස්ම දෙයක් Orange Peel Lotion 💋💋💋මෙකෙන් ඔයලට දවස් 3 ත් 4 ත් ඇතුලත 100% Sure Results එකක් ගන්න පුලුවන්.Philippine වල ඉතා උසස් ආකාරයෙන් නිශ්පාදිත මෙය දැන් ඔබට අපෙන් මිලදී ගන්න පුලුවන්..
Orange Peel Lotion ❤️❤️❤️
 Evens out skin tone and skin discoloration
 Lighten dark spots ands shallow scars
 Soften & smoothen the skin like baby
 Removes skin blemishes
 Glowing skin
 Lighten stretchmarks
 Easily absorbed by the skin
 Lighter consistency & not sticky
How to use :
● Apply for 3-4 consecutive nights before bedtime, pour the lotion unto skin generously & massage thoroughly until its totally absorbed by the skin
● Make it thicker to achieve large peeling
●Repeat 3 times applications with 15 minutes interval.
● You may take a bath in the morning. However, DO NOT USE SOAP OR SCRUB on the area where you applied the peeling lotion
● If redness or irritation occurs during peeling period, use hydrocortisone cream to relieve itching.
● Wait for at least 5-7 days for your old skin to peel off. DO NOT FORCE THE SKIN TO PEEL OFF, wait until your skin will loosen from the new skin before u peel it off.
● Avoid too much exposure to sunlight during application, peeling stage and 1 week after peeling
● Use high SPF lotions during daytime after peeling
Area of Coverage :
1 Bottle for both arms
2 Bottles for both Legs
3 Bottles for whole body
we only sell 100%original