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Aichun Beauty Strawberry Lip Bam භාවිතා කර සුන්දර රෝස පැහැති දෙතොලක් කෙටි කලයකින් ඔබත් හිමි කරගන්න.

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1250/- ක් පමණයි.
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Aichun Beauty Strawberry Essence Lip Balm - It seems that we all need a fashion and effective lip balm for being against the cold winter winds and protecting our cracked lips. Aichun Strawberry Essence Lip Balm contains active strawberry essence and works effectively to moisturize and soften lips. Besides, the nourishing oils and butters will keep your lip a matte finish and moisturizing balm texture.


100% brand new
Product name: Strawberry Essence Lip Balm
Weight: 50g/pc
Package: All in English.
Main ingredient: strawberry essence etc.

Aichun Beauty Strawberry Essence Lip Balm is enriched with 100% natural plant formula and strawberry essence to moisturize and repair for lips that go beyond chapped. With powerful fruit extracts and Beeswax, aichun lip balm can makes your lip keep your lip a matte finish and moisturizing balm texture.
Only 1250
Cash On Delivery Available
0777 34 44 94
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